• What is Pandemic Panopticons?

    Pandemic Panopticons is a multi-disciplinary creative project exploring the intersections of surveillance technologies, public health, and personal freedom in the context of global crises. We invite diverse voices to contribute narratives, artworks, and analyses that examine how these technologies and related policies shape our lives, societies, and futures.

  • Who can participate in Pandemic Panopticons?

    Anyone! We welcome contributions from a wide range of perspectives—artists, writers, researchers, technologists, policymakers, healthcare workers, and citizens. Whether you've developed surveillance technologies, regulated them, studied their impacts, or experienced them in your daily life, your insights are invaluable to this project.

  • How can I submit my work to Pandemic Panopticons?

    Just click "SUBMIT NOW" below!

    All submissions are reviewed by our curatorial team, which includes artists, technologists, and researchers.

  • Can I collaborate with others on this project?

    Absolutely! We encourage collaboration and offer a platform to connect with other creators, researchers, and thinkers interested in exploring these themes. Whether you're looking for a co-creator or seeking specific expertise, our collaboration network can help you find the right partners for your project.

  • What kind of submissions are you looking for?

    We're seeking innovative and thought-provoking submissions that prompt reflection on the trajectory of surveillance in the context crisis. This could include, but is not limited to:

    Visual art (digital or traditional)

    Written works (essays, short stories, poetry, graphic novels)

    Digital media (interactive experiences, videos, sound art)

    Conceptual pieces

    Research-based analyses

    All submissions should engage with the themes of surveillance, public health, and personal freedom in some way.

  • How does Pandemic Panopticons contribute to the broader dialogue on surveillance and public health?

    By blending artistic exploration with scholarly insight, Pandemic Panopticons offers a unique platform for engaging with pressing issues of our time. We believe that art, especially through the process of creation, has the power to make complex topics more accessible and to spark crucial conversations about the future we're building. This project embodies our commitment to activism through art, inviting participants to not just contemplate these issues, but to actively create works that challenge, question, and explore the implications of surveillance technologies and public health measures, particularly in times of global crises. Through this creative activism, we aim to foster a deeper, more nuanced understanding of how these factors are shaping our world.

  • What is de PALOMA and how does it relate to Pandemic Panopticons?

    de PALOMA is an activist art collective and gallery founded by Elise Racine. We have long believed in art's power to engage individuals in crucial global dialogues, particularly through the act of creation itself. Our collective is dedicated to using creative expression as a catalyst for social change and critical reflection.

    Pandemic Panopticons, our latest initiative, explores the implications of surveillance technologies in times of crisis. We are particularly excited about reviewing innovative submissions that serve as effective tools for prompting people to reflect on the trajectory of these developments and their impact on personal freedom and social structures.

    This project aligns with our ongoing mission to foster activism through art. By inviting diverse voices—from artists and writers to researchers and citizens—we aim to create a multifaceted exploration of how public health surveillance tools are shaping our world.

    Elise Racine's research at the University of Oxford—which addresses the societal implications of emerging technologies, like artificial intelligence, for infectious disease surveillance purposes—provides a strong academic foundation for this project. This blend of artistic exploration and scholarly insight allows Pandemic Panopticons to offer a unique platform for engaging with some of the most pressing issues of our time.

*Image attribution: Clarote & AI4Media / Better Images of AI / Labour/Resources / CC-BY 4.0