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Inspiration Hub.

Dive into a world of creative possibilities and connections.

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Spark Your Creativity

Explore our curated collection of thought-provoking concepts. Each one is a springboard for your imagination. Use them as starting points, challenge them, or let them inspire something entirely new!

  • A series of large-scale, mixed-media paintings that visualize the layers of digital surveillance in our daily lives.

    Key Elements:

    • 10 large canvases (approximately 6 feet by 4 feet each)

    • Each painting starts with a realistic scene from everyday life (e.g., a man walking his dog, a family sitting down for dinner, colleagues talking in an office)

    • Layers of semi-transparent materials are added on top, each representing a different aspect of surveillance:

      • QR codes and digital health passes painted on clear acrylic sheets

      • Data streams and binary code on strips of translucent fabric

      • Facial recognition patterns on mesh overlays

    • Viewers can physically lift these layers to reveal the "untouched" scene beneath

    • Use of phosphorescent paint for certain elements, revealing hidden surveillance aspects when the lights are dimmed

    This project allows for a deep, personal exploration of how surveillance technologies overlay our physical world. The interactive element of lifting layers invites viewers to actively engage with the concept of peeling back surveillance to find the human experience underneath.

  • This concept for a short, animated film offers a visual narrative of life in a surveillance society. Using minimalist, geometric animation contrasted with organic elements, it tells a story of confinement, discovery, and resistance.

    Key Features:

    • Geometric visuals representing digital infrastructure

    • Color symbolism: cool blues for surveillance, warm oranges for humanity

    • Narrative arc from isolation to connection

    • Themes of glitches as opportunities for freedom

    For more, click here.

  • An immersive, room-scale installation that physically represents the digital constraints of health surveillance systems.

    Key Elements:

    • A maze-like structure with transparent walls, representing the invisible nature of digital surveillance

    • QR code projections that change colors (green, yellow, red) as visitors move through the space

    • Motion sensors that trigger audio clips of real people's experiences with health code systems

    • A central "control room" where visitors can observe others navigating the maze

    Opportunities for Collaboration:

    • Artists specializing in installation art and projection mapping

    • Sound designers for creating the ambient audio landscape

    • Researchers to provide data and real-world accounts of surveillance experiences

  • A digital anthology that pairs short stories with digital artworks, each exploring a different facet of life under pervasive health surveillance.

    Key Elements:

    • 10-15 pairs of short stories (1000-3000 words) and accompanying digital artworks

    • Each pair focuses on a specific theme or scenario, such as "The Last Bytes of Privacy," "A Glitch in the System," or "Hereditary Risk Scores"

    • Digital art in various styles: 3D rendering, digital painting, generative art, animated GIFs, etc.

    • An interactive online platform where readers can seamlessly navigate between stories and artworks

    Opportunities for Collaboration:

    • Short story writers from diverse backgrounds

    • Digital artists specializing in various techniques

    • Individuals with personal experiences of health surveillance to consult on story ideas

  • Step into a near-future world where digital health codes control every aspect of daily life. This graphic novella concept blends visual storytelling with poignant narrative to explore the (un)intended consequences of public health technologies as they are incorporated in vast surveillance networks.

    Key Elements:

    • Minimalist art style with bold, high-contrast illustrations

    • Characters navigating a world of QR codes and health algorithms

    • Themes of digital divide, systemic glitches, and human resilience

    • Potential for interactive elements in a digital version

Featured Project: [QR Destinies]

Still looking for more inspiration? Check out [QR Destinies] by scholar, creator, and activist Elise Racine.

This innovative series, deeply rooted in academic research, delves into how digital health codes and pervasive surveillance technologies are reshaping our societal fabric and individual freedoms. It draws from Ms. Racine work at the University of Oxford investigating the far-reaching implications of China's AI-powered surveillance state in the post-COVID era—translating these complex concepts into accessible, impactful artistic expressions.

By bridging the gap between scholarly investigation and creative exploration, [QR Destinies] offers a unique lens through which to view our rapidly evolving digital landscape.

An ongoing multimedia project, [QR Destinies] uses the familiar QR code as a jumping-off point to explore unfamiliar and often unsettling futures. Through a combination of haiku poetry (or “byte-sized” poetry as Ms. Racine likes to refer to it) and striking digital art this project invites you to consider:

  • How might ubiquitous surveillance shape our daily lives and personal relationships?

  • How thin is the line between helpful technology and oppressive oversight?

  • What tensions arise between public health measures and individual liberties, such as personal privacy and the right to dissent?

My Invisible Cage

But do you see it?”

she asked. “Not now my dear—Go

play with big brother.

Find Your Collaborators

Great ideas flourish with diverse perspectives.

Connect with fellow creators, researchers, and thinkers who share your passion for exploring these critical themes:

  • Find a writer to bring your visual concept to life

  • Collaborate with a developer to create an interactive experience

  • Partner with a researcher to add depth to your artistic vision

  • Join forces with other artists for a multi-disciplinary project

Our collaboration platform makes it easy to find the perfect partners for your project.

Share Your Vision

Have an idea brewing? We want to hear it!

Share your concept, no matter how developed, and get feedback from our community of creators and curators.

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  • Monthly themed challenges to spark your creativity

  • Exclusive interviews with contributing artists and experts

  • Updates on upcoming virtual roundtables and events

  • Curated articles and resources on our core themes

  • And other opportunities to get involved

Don't miss out on the latest inspirations, collaborations, and thought-provoking content!

Let’s create,


and challenge the

status quo together.

*Image attributions in order of appearance: (1) Comuzi / © BBC / Better Images of AI / Mirror B / CC-BY 4.0, (2) Elise Racine / QR Destinies / Interconnected, (3) Elise Racine / QR Destinies / Untitled, (4) Elise Racine / QR Destinies / Big Brother, and (5) Comuzi / © BBC / Better Images of AI / Mirror D / CC-BY 4.0.